SUMMER OFFICE HOURS. The District Office will be switching to summer office hours starting Monday, June 19. The office will be open from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. Starting in July, the office will be closed on Fridays. Regular office hours (7:30 am to 4:30 pm) and schedules (M-F) will resume on Monday, August 14. Have a wonderful and safe summer!
about 1 year ago, District 215
Summer Office Hours
BUS UPDATE. Buses are working to get around to pick up as many students as possible FOR THE 10:00 START. There are still many roads with significant drifting and ice. If we are unable to pick up your student, please contact the school for additional information and options.
over 1 year ago, District 215
BUS UPDATE. Buses are working to get around to pick up as many students as possible. There are still many roads with significant drifting and ice. If we are unable to pick up your student, please contact the school for additional information and options.
over 1 year ago, District 215
NF & AE DELAYED START (4/19/2023). Due to drifting snow on roads, North Fremont and Ashton Elementary will be on a two-hour delayed start this morning. Classes will start at 10:00. This will hopefully give enough time to plow roads and get our students to school safely. Please be safe this morning.
over 1 year ago, District 215
Snow drift on road
SENDING NORTH BUSES HOME (3/24/23). Highways are closing yet again, so we will be sending the Ashton Elementary & North Fremont buses home early. Buses will line up around 12:30 at Ashton Elem and 12:40 at NF. Parents are welcome to pick up their students AFTER the buses have left. Please do not block the buses!
over 1 year ago, District 215
MUD PIES & OTHER TASTY TREATS. There will be a parent and preschool workshop on Thursday, March 23 from 5:00-6:00 pm at Henry's Fork Elementary (Indoor Playground). Come get some fresh ideas for yummy meals and snacks for your family! Share thoughts on how to make eating time for kids happy! Bring a recipe if you would like to play the recipe exchange. 0-4 year old kids will enjoy a story and some playtime! FREE BOOK & SPECIAL SURPRISE FOR EACH CHILD. Contact Laurie Hirschi for information.
over 1 year ago, District 215
Meeting flyer
ASHTON ELEMENTARY OPERETTA. I had the opportunity to attend the annual Ashton Operetta this morning. The students were wonderful! This is such a fun tradition. I appreciate the staff and volunteers who make this possible. I can't believe the many hours it takes to prepare. The sets and costumes were just amazing, and the dances were fun to watch. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, David Marotz
SENDING NORTH BUSES HOME (3/15/23). Highways are closing again, so we will be sending the Ashton Elementary & North Fremont buses home early. Buses will line up around 12:30 at Ashton Elem and 12:40 at NF. Parents are welcome to pick up their students AFTER the buses have left. Please do not block the buses!
over 1 year ago, District 215
SCHOOL BOND ELECTION TODAY! It is election day. Patrons have the opportunity to vote on the proposed bond to update Ashton Elementary, South Fremont High School, and North Fremont JH/HS. Please take the opportunity to exercise your Constitutional right to vote.
over 1 year ago, District 215
KINDERGARTEN SCREENING. Schedule your incoming kindergarten students for screenings on Tue (14) at 8:30 at Teton Elem, Tue (14) at 12:30 at Parker Elem or Wed. (15) and Thu (16) morning at HFE. Call the school to schedule. We have special supply kits ($200 value) for all incoming students who come to the screening.
over 1 year ago, District 215
SCHOOL BOND ELECTION. Tomorrow is election day. Patrons have the opportunity to vote on the proposed bond to update Ashton Elementary, South Fremont High School, and North Fremont JH/HS. See the District website for full details or call the District Office (208-624-7542).
over 1 year ago, District 215
Reminder to vote
UPDATED BOND INFORMATION. During the community information meetings on the bond proposal, patrons asked the school district to post the updated municipal bond interest rates just prior to the bond election on March 14. Zion's Public Finance, Inc. sent an updated graph showing the interest rate trends for the past year from March 1, 2022 through March 7, 2023. They also included a slide showing a comparison between the interest rates from January (3.73%) and March 8 (3.83%). It shows how the change in rates would impact the overall tax impact per $100,000 of taxable value. This slide also shows the impact should the interest rate be 1% higher or 1% lower. As a reminder, the final interest rate if the bond is approved in March would not be locked in until the end of May. Thank you to all who have reached out to ask questions and learn more. These new slides and all other official information regarding the bond can be found on the district website ( If you have any additional questions, please contact one of the Board members or the District Office.
over 1 year ago, District 215
Bond interest graph
Bond interest table
SENDING NORTH BUSES HOME. The weather is getting worse, so we will be sending the Ashton Elementary & North Fremont buses home early. Buses will line up at 12:20 at Ashton Elem and 12:30 at NF. Parents are welcome to pick up their students AFTER the buses have left. Please do not park in the bus lanes.
over 1 year ago, District 215
Snow covered bus
SFH CTE OPEN HOUSE. Come to South Fremont High School tonight (Thursday, March 2) from 6:00-8:00 pm to learn more about the school's CTE (Career Technical Education) programs and to explore the current facilities. We will have student guided tours of our school.
over 1 year ago, District 215
CTE Flyer
SFJH MUSICAL. I just finished watching the SFJH performance of Willy Wonka JR. They were amazing! Come see the performances this Friday and Saturday nights at 7:00 pm.
over 1 year ago, David Marotz
cast photo
NORTH SCHOOLS-DELAYED START (3/1/23). North Fremont and Ashton Elementary will start school at 10:00 to give the plows more time to open roads. Buses will run 2 hours later than normal and will pick up as many students as possible. We will end school at the normal times. (SOUTH SCHOOLS are on a normal schedule.)
over 1 year ago, District 215
Two hour delay
COMMUNITY BOND MEETING TONIGHT. There will be a meeting at South Fremont Junior Hight tonight (February 28) at 6:00 pm in the auditorium. Come and learn more about the upcoming bond election.
over 1 year ago, District 215
ALL SCHOOLS CLOSING. Road conditions on the south end of the district are getting worse. South buses have been called back to the schools to take students home as soon as possible. Parents make pick up students at any time. Students in town will be released when buses arrive. Contact your schools with questions.
over 1 year ago, District 215
SCHOOLS CLOSING (NORTH FREMONT & ASHTON ELEMENTARY). The buses have tried to get out this morning, but the road conditions are getting steadily worse. For the safety of our students, we will be closing North Fremont and Ashton Elementary for all. Those buses with students will be returning them to their homes.
over 1 year ago, District 215
NORTH BUS UPDATE. School will be in session in North Fremont and Ashton Elementary today; however, the buses will not run down Highway 32 or Squirrel. Those parents may bring their students to school if they wish. We will closely monitor the weather and road conditions throughout the day.
over 1 year ago, District 215