If You Know, You Know slide


   The modern hashtag IYKYK (If you know, you know) is a way of saying that those who have certain information or background will understand the meaning of something better than someone with no background. In education, there are many ideas, concepts, policies, and procedures that may make sense to those with specific roles in the field, but these may be confusing or seem like utter nonsense to those outside. The purpose of this section is to provide a location for patrons to learn more about our schools and our district. As questions or concerns arise, the district will make an effort to respond using our new website and app. The responses will be posted using our News Feed, Life Feed, and/or Facebook. Copies of those posts will then be listed on the Our District page to provide easy access to the archive for those who desire to learn more. 

 If you have a specific question that you would like to have addressed, please contact the district office.