Our District


School District 215’s  mission is to educate and prepare all learners to excel and become contributors in their communities by providing opportunities, skills and tools to communicate, solve problems, build bridges and lead.


Learn. Build. Lead

We seek to learn. We pursue excellence through hard work and life-long learning. We recognize that different perspectives increase our understanding. We embrace what is already working and seek for ways to improve.

 We seek to build.
We seek to build bridges of collaboration to promote understanding and hope. We build individuals and place students as the top priority in decision-making.

 We seek to lead.
We lead forward to improve our own lives, enrich the lives of others, and improve the organizations of which we belong.




Email Address

Phone Number


Dr. Brandon Farris


(208) 624-7542

Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. David Marotz


(208) 624-7542

Business Manager,
Board Clerk

Hali Mackert 


(208) 624-7542

Human Resources

Jamie Hymas


(208) 624-7542

Accounts Payable,
Transportation Director

Misty Wocelka


(208) 624-7542

Director of Special Services

Heather Parry


(208) 624-2531

Maintenance (South)

Jason Calhoun


(208) 624-7841

Maintenance (North)

Tyler Cude


(208) 716-6937

Technology Director

Tracy Smith


(208) 624-2551

Administrative Assistant,
Child Nutrition

Judy Oliphant


(208) 624-2507

If You Know You Know

The modern hashtag IYKYK (If you know, you know) is a way of saying that those who have certain information or background will understand the meaning of something better than someone with no background. In education, there are many ideas, concepts, policies, and procedures that may make sense to those with specific roles in the field, but these may be confusing or seem like utter nonsense to those outside. The purpose of this section is to provide a location for patrons to learn more about our schools and our district. As questions or concerns arise, the district will make an effort to respond using our new website and app. The responses will be posted using our News Feed, Life Feed, and/or Facebook. Copies of those posts will then be listed in this section to provide easy access to the archive for those who desire to learn more. If you have a specific question that you would like to have addressed, please contact the district office.

What is IYKYK?

This video provides a basic overview and purpose for the IYKYK section on the website.

Why did the District change to a four-day week?

This video explains the background behind the District's decision to move to a four-day school week. There is an explanation of the timeline, the results from two surveys, the primary goals, and how the District intends to monitor the effectiveness.

Why is attendance so important for school funding?

This is a short video (7 minutes) explaining the difference between enrollment and attendance based funding. It briefly addresses other reasons attendance is important.

How do I access meeting agendas and the policy manual for the Board of Trustees?

This video introduces the new Simbli website that the Board will be using to manage its meetings and the District Policy Manual.

November 2024 Supplemental Levy Renewal

This video provides a short overview of the upcoming supplemental levy renewal in November 2024. If you have any questions, contact Superintendent Farris or any School Board member.

Do you have a question or comment?

Complete the form below with your name, your question/comment, your email address, and your phone number. We will try to respond to your question as quickly as possible.